

It seems my world is nothing but shadows and voices. My memories have been cast into the abiss somehow and I have no idea of how to retrieve them. It bothers me, demo, who wouldn't it bother?

There are people who I feel certain pulls to. The guardians, Shingami, Wing and Rune, in particular...Klork...Revelyn...to a lesser extent Mondo and Mitch. I do not completely undersand it.

Revelyn brought me a journal I had started writing not long before the...battle, I'm told it was. Yet another thing I cannot remember. From the writings, it seemed as though I had gone through a lot...and become a very solitary...closed person because of it. Wakarimasen...

The words on the page seem so foriegn though, as if from a different person. I don't know how to express any of this truely...I honestly do not know what to make of this.

It does not help that the doctors and nurses are constantly giving me pain medication that fogs my mind even more. From the extent of damage I am told was done, though, it sounds as if I need it. Those times the medication does wear off, I do feel the pain; my insides shredded, demo, I can actually think clearly. Nandemnai...with time, I'm sure it will pass...

Ah...speaking of which...a nurse just gave me my next dose, which means I will be sleeping again soon.

I wonder how the others are doing...Mondo seemed so worn when I saw him last night...and Mitch...Mitch I don't recall seeing in a few days...though I swear I felt his presence at least once...perhaps...perhaps he was here while I was asleep from the meds, or exhaustion...maybe my dreams will tell me...more...

current mood: frustrated
