
Mother hood...well shit...that still seems so WEIRD...

It still hurts too much to really sleep well...On the night of the fourteenth I gave birth to Klork's and my twin boys...Torrence Kensuke Curric and Takeo Riane Curric. They're just absolutely beautiful.

The labor was horrific but so worth it. We'd only just gotten back from the hospital when we started getting worried once Klork and I had curled up to watch a movie. They weren't moving as much as they used to or purr as loudly, so we went in to get it checked out. Turns out there was something wrong with the placentas or somethin' and they had to be born within the next two days or they wouldn't live. We talked about it, and decided that sooner was better than later. The fear and stress itself was enough to get labor to kick in again, so...yeah...Klork was there for me the entire time...I think I broke his hand when they started cutting me open to get the little ones out. Bones never spread enough to give birth naturally, so I needed a c-section. Anyway, 'cause of my healing factor they had to keep cutting me to keep me open long enough to get the boys out. Quite hellish...but so worth it.

Torrence got Klork's beautiful eyes and my hair, while Takeo got my eyes and Klork's hair. They're gonna be heartbreakers, just like their daddy. They're just so tiny at the moment. I'm betting they'll grow to be big, strong men, just as Brenna's gonna grow up to be a beautiful, strong woman. Klork swears they're gonna get into football.

It's so funny, but their personalities are already shining through...Takeo seems to be more a lot active than his brother, while Torrence is a bit more layed back...it's so funny watching him sprawl while the other one just lies there curled up...they're going to be a handful, though. They already seem to bicker and they can't even roll over yet, let alone live without that incubator. Brenna loves them a lot, too...Mondo brought her over a few times already, and she was just in awe of them. She'd point and say "Those're MY brothers! Babies!" then giggle, purring the whole time.

They'll be stuck in that incubator for a while, until we can bring them home, and they are being fed my milk (gads that's an annoying machine they use to get the milk from me...can't wait 'till I can just breast feed...hold 'em...I know Klork wants to hold them and never let go, either...he's a great dad). Oh well...we'll do whatever's best for them, and if that means letting them cool their heals in the incubater, that's what we're gonna do.

So THAT'S a huge buren off our chests...I just need to recover from the labor, which should take a few more days...Diana needs to get better, which should take a few more weeks 'till she can do the physical therapy stuff, from what I hear...Evy...I don't know about, gotta visit her and Wing to see what's up...gods and Aria...she's on a breathing machine from what Mondo says. That really worries me...I hope she'll be ok...Revelyn visited to bring Brenna home, and he told me that Nox is sick with whatever Iris has...some flu, and that Syan might be coming down with it too...I just hope everyone else stays healthy and those three get healthy. Mitch seems to be doing ok...recovering well enough, same with Rev and Ryu...Shin I haven't seen in a while...I just can't wait to get home...so damn sick of the hospital...

That Jeff guy from Foss Associates...I still don't feel like I can trust him...he visited Klork and I the morning after I gave birth...gave us info on where Nox and Wing were being held...just...this was AFTER they were both rescued. I dunno...mebbe I'm just being paranoid...never trusted big bussiness...never will...he did give some info on something the government is working on. They apparently have mutant experimental lab things all accross the country. They're trying to make a super-soldier...now...does that sound familiar? Gods...almost everyone at the Asylum could be the perfect fighter...hell...that's what I was meant to be...if my mom hadn't saved me...well...that doesn't bear thinking about...I...can only hope the government doesn't find us...me...my children...I will do ANYTHING to protect my family and frineds...ANYTHING...if it means taking on the United States Department of Defense...so be it. They ain't gettin' NOTHIN' from us...fuckers...

Heh...yeah...on that lovely note...I'm gonna try getting some sleep...the pain seems to have abated a little as I got more tired...and Klork and the boys' purrs are putting me to sleep as it is...meh...until next time...here's hopin' things stay peaceful...

current mood: happy

current music: Purring...
